The story begins with his favorite food at the time: cookies, chocolate chip specifically. My idea was to make a cake for him that appeared to be a cookie. I thought about a giant decorated cookie, but in the end went with the cake idea. So incredibly happy I did. And so was Buppy's family. I think that cake will live on in all our minds and taste buds until a.) we're old and can't remember anything anymore, or b.) I make another one. 'A' might be the more likely thing to happen, but you never know.

I purchased 2 boxes of Ghirardelli brownie mixes and baked according to package directions in round baking pans. Then I basically made a sandwich out of them with Hoffman’s ice cream, which I've learned is some of the best ice cream I've ever had. Hoffman's is local, so don't get your hopes up, but still, any ice cream you choose to use [think peanut butter to go with the chocolate!] will be spectacular. The party was in late Feb., so I decided to use their peppermint. I kid you not, that stuff is amazing. Wonderful. Yummy. Delish. All their ice creams I've had thus far have been good, but their seasonal peppermint stick just rocks my socks. In a major, major way.

This was honestly love at first bite. John's nieces asked me to make their next birthday cake. Everyone present loved this. The simplicity of it still baffles me, but I'll go with it. Brownies, local peppermint stick ice cream, whipped topping and chocolate chips. Sometimes I amaze myself.

Oh yeah, and once upon a time, I made a train cake for Tiny Tot #1's 4th birthday. I was pretty proud of this one since it was my first-ever attempt at making a birthday cake!

Wow - it looks cute and very delicious.