I'm at home today, off from work because I twisted wrong yesterday and seriously messed up my back. Luckily, menu planning doesn't require much work. On the down side, having a messed up back makes working in the kitchen extremely difficult. Over the weekend, I wanted to make crab bisque with corn, avocado & tomato relish, but that didn't happen since the back issue started yesterday morning after my lovely walk. Bummer.
Last week was kinda hit & miss as far as staying on track. I picked up some take out on Thursday night because it was a long, horrible day at work and I wasn't up for cooking after spending an hour and 45 minutes driving home, which usually takes 45 minutes or so. Friday was a take out night as well; I intended to eat at work, but none of my events were running on time and I never got around to placing an order for dinner. I left at 8pm, and knew that by the time I got home, I'd be in no cooking mood. We made a few of the meals I'd planned, so at least it wasn't a complete waste.
Monday - Shepard’s pie & green salad
Tuesday - BBQ chicken sandwiches & potato wedges
Wednesday - Breakfast for dinner (sausage, eggs & pancakes for Buppy & the kids - I don't eat pancakes)
Thursday - I'm home alone, so leftovers or something easy like a tuna sandwich
Friday - Chicken wings with celery & carrots
Saturday lunch - We're heading to VA for a birthday party, so no lunch needed
Saturday dinner - Pizza braid (similar to our chicken broccoli braid, but with pizza filling instead)
Sunday lunch - I might have to work, and John's planning to take the kids to see an aunt
Sunday dinner - Sloppy Joes along with some creative side I dream up
There we have it. Nothing spectacular, but it'll tide us over for another week. I'm happy to say that we've actually made a huge dent in our not-so-great steaks, which is awesome, because I think we're getting another 1/4 cow this Fall. How is it Fall already!?!? Hamburger, on the other hand, is a different story. Buppy just pulled out 2 to thaw, one for dinner tonight and one for me to make jerky with, and we still have 15 left. I know I should be thankful, but man, I just don't eat that much burger!
So now I'm stuck here, chillin' on the couch for the afternoon because frankly, I can't do much else. I hope there's something good on Food Network . . .
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